General principles of the marginal system
Overview of margin system
What is the margin work?
Make no mistake at any time.
Suppose you want to trade in cars by splitting the market into a buyer and at a price and what do you do?
You will go to one of the major car dealerships and one of the cars that Enxex will pick up in the market is that the car price is $ 10,000.
All you have to do is visit this amount and pay it in the car to be the owner of a car worth $ 10,000.
Now suppose that when you go to the market you find that the demand for your car is high and that there are a lot of people who want to buy it. When your car is priced at $ 12,000, for example.
His return on a circulation of this car is $ 2000, but what do you do to be in your car? Is there anything that can be priced at $ 10,000?
What does it mean?
I mean, with all the carpets, the car will be $ 2000.
But hey .. !!
To start the actual operation before $ 10,000 from the beginning to buy the purchase of the car .. This is the capital in circulation.
In the absence of a value for this product in the market.
Is there a way to do this without having $ 10,000?
The way of grace
How so?
What is the owner of the car dealership who says to you: "If you want to buy a car for a trader with everything you need to hire $ 10,000, all that is required is $ 1000 and I will book the car in your name so you have the opportunity to sell in the market and then return the rest of the value. This is a great opportunity, no doubt.
We noticed that we said here that the car was "booked" in your name. The car dealership will not actually give you the car, but you will carry it yourself and make it available to you for the purpose of trading that you can sell at the price you are already traveling.
But why not give me the car?
Because you only paid ten things .. If I give you the car may take it and will not come back .. !!
So they do not give you the car but you book it in your name but keep it.
How can I trade them?
Well ... when you know that you have a car booked in your name for trading and you can sell it at the price you buy now.
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The buyer pays $ 12,000 and receives the vehicle.
The car dealership will deduct the $ 10,000 car and refund $ 1,000 plus the full $ 2,000 profit. If you do not intend to do so, you will not want to become a real car dealer.
It is important that you have the opportunity to trade a commodity worth 10
In this way, the car will have the full value of the car and you will also get the full profit.
And everyone is happy .. !!
In the previous example you paid for $ 1,000, you could simply reach 100% of your paid-up capital.
It's a great opportunity, is not it? But how did this happen?
The car owner may be to use in this direction.
This is the past of dual capital or leverage.
When you get the possibility of double the owner's head ten times the meaning of being in exchange for your payment - your investment - for the amount you own.
And when you get the possibility of doubling your capital to double-double the magnificence of reflection.
You will get full stoning.
There is no dish on this offer of $ 10,000 for you and those who can not buy $ 100 $ 100 $ 20 $ $ 10 $ $ (offline) $ 100000 A refundable deposit will return to you in the end .. !!
Yes, reasonable .. This happens hundreds of millions in the financial markets and margin trading system.
Do you know now how to make millions ?!
To return to the previous example:
In the way we mentioned the normal trading method and the following:
You buy your purchase through a vehicle for you
I brought life to the market and offered your item for sale.
An old.
Your car sale will be lost after considering the purchase price.
When you trade marginally and this is what happened: