What are the sources of vitamin B complex? Vitamin B is a compound made up of eight different types of water-soluble vitamin B that act together as an energy booster that helps transform food into energy and is essential for growth and development, essential for blood cells, hormones, and the nervous system. Each type of B vitamins is an enzyme for metabolism. In addition, each type plays important roles in different body functions, and any lack of them can greatly affect your health.
What is vitamin B complex:
Vitamin B consists of 8 derivatives
1. Thiamine (B1):
This vitamin helps to get rid of stress and protect the immune system by helping to form new cells in the body, and despite the rare occurrence of symptoms of vitamin deficiency, but the presence of an insufficient amount of thiamine can cause cerebrospinal Verniki, a neurological disorder.
2. Riboflavin (B2):
It acts as an antioxidant by fighting the free radicals in the body, prevails heart disease and reduces premature aging. It is also necessary for the production of red blood cells and can lead to skin disorders, hair loss, liver disease and anemia.
3. Niacin (B3):
This helps improve blood circulation as well as the level of good HDL in the body, and it helps to produce the body of several hormones and can lead to the lack of pellagra, which can cause inflammation of the skin and insomnia, weakness and diarrhea.
4. Pantothenic acid (B5):
This helps to generate energy by breaking fat and carbohydrates, and also helps the body to produce hormones such as testosterone. Although vitamin B5 deficiency is uncommon, it can lead to acne.
5. Pyridoxine (B6):
This helps to regulate levels of homocysteine, an amino acid linked to heart disease, it also helps the body to produce hormones, which raise the mood, and associated with lack of inflammation in the body as well as the occurrence of neurological problems.
6. Biotin ((B7:
This is a beauty vitamin responsible for the health of hair, skin, and nails. It also helps control blood glucose levels. During pregnancy, it is important for normal fetal development, and its deficiency in infants may cause poor growth and neurological disorders.
7. Folic Acid (B9):
Also known as folic acid, which is very important for good memory and healthy brain development, it helps to prevent depression, and during pregnancy support, fetal growth and results neurological defects, and deficiency of this vitamin can lead to anemia.
8. Coppermine (B12:
This vitamin helps in the production of red blood cells, and helps in the synthesis of hemoglobin, a protein that carries oxygen in the blood, and can cause the deficiency of large anemia, peripheral neuropathy and loss of memory in addition to cognitive disabilities.
There are many complex vitamin B supplements that can help ensure you get enough of the eight B vitamins your body needs, and at the same time, there are many foods that can provide your body with this important group of vitamins.